As our new practice, a scheduled appointment is a must for transacting at our office. Inquiries will be attended online/phone and Sales office is open M-W-F, 8am – 2pm only. For further inquiries call (02) 8938-6173/VIBER 0927-7661911.

The PhilPlans Pamana-Heritage Plan is an exceptional memorial plan that covers not only the planholder but also the beneficiaries. Isn't that a great way to insure your life and of your family! 

938 61 73  / 09277661911

The Heritage Park Pre-need Memorial Service Arrangements

The Heritage Park Pre-need Memorial Service Arrangements

** RSCordero&Assoc also known as Gladiola Marketing is an authorize sales marketing of Philplans and Heritage Park (Investors)**

**All Memorial Plans are made available via Philplans, the exclusive life plan provider of The Chapels at Heritage Park.  **

Disclaimer: This is for announcement and general information purpose only. 
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